The new workshops diary for 2024 will be open for booking via the website on Sunday 15th October at 9:00am so no need for a dawn alarm! Viewing only, will be available a few days prior to that – watch out for reminders. As well as the regular favourites and some tutors you haven’t seen for a while, there are 25 new workshops and five completely new tutors making their debut….
It’s four years ago since we released a full calendar year of new workshop dates, rather than just 6 months ahead. This is great news for those of you who like to plan well ahead. You’ll notice the diary won’t be as packed as normal though. We want to leave plenty of flexibility – space we can add new things or respond to customer demand.
Despite current challenges, we want you to look forward to browsing and treating yourself in 2024 at 2022 prices – no need to worry about any nasty shocks when you review the new dates in October…
For this workshop release, we’ve chosen not to pass on the horrendous increases in energy and food costs to our customers… we know you’ll all have enough of your own! It’s actually far more important to ArtisOn’s viability that we have full workshops, so we definitely don’t want anything to stand between you and your booking!
Keep an eye on the Workshops page the week before…