Vanessa who is responsible for our legendary lunches, has her own business, Lovage Catering. She is now producing some of her ArtisOn classics as ready meals. Now you can enjoy Vanessa’s home cooking, including meals for special diets, in the comfort of your own home. Whether you fancy a treat for yourself, need something to take home for the family after a stimulating day at ArtisOn or want to cater for someone with a special diet, Vanessa’s ready meals could be the perfect choice.
To check out what scrumptious options you could take away click here.
Meals are available fresh or frozen. Some are in stocked in the freezer at ArtisOn to buy when you visit, but anything on Vanessa’s ready meals menu can be ordered in advance.
Call Vanessa on 07988 262746 or email to order.
More info about Vanessa’s business, Lovage Catering can also be found on her website: