Cold Wax + Oil Painting

Tutor: Paula Dunn

Lunch: Price includes a hearty lunch.

All Levels

Typically for a max of 10 people.

Two Days
(or more)

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In this experimental course you will be guided step by step through the method of building up paintings in layers with cold wax. Cold wax is used at room temperature, without heat, and when combined with oil paints it can be used to produce depth and atmosphere to both abstract and landscape work.

Experiment with techniques, building up layers, using cold wax, oil colours, pigment sticks and pure pigments. Using a wide variety of tools, collage and mixed media you will look at new ways to create textures. The workshop will also look at mark making and will explore different ways to create textures and lines using a variety of tools and techniques.

Working with oil and cold wax involves a lot of experimentation and a willingness to set out without knowing where you are going to end up. You’ll learn more about your creative process and you will leave eager to experiment more with this medium.

The workshop will include information about techniques, as well as demonstrations and plenty of time for practice.

This two day workshop is suitable for beginners. Although not essential, some painting experience, in any medium, would be recommended

Please note there is a £15 material charge payable on the day.

Click the title below to find out what to bring with you.

What to expect

Time at ArtisOn is designed to take you away from it all. We provide the environment, space and guidance you need to create. You can expect a warm welcome, skilled and friendly tutors plus the chance to meet like-minded people keen to share ideas. You can even leave us to clear up the mess! There will usually be two workshops going on and we encourage everyone to mingle and be nosey about what the other workshop is up to.

We encourage you to arrive at 9.30am. This will allow time to meet other participants over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits before beginning workshops at 10am. There will be a mid-morning break for refreshments and a chance to talk over progress with others. Lunch is usually around 12:45 for about 45 mins – you can expect a delicious homemade 2 course lunch. There will be a further afternoon break with tea or coffee and cake. All food and refreshments are included in the price of your workshop.

The finish time given is a target. There is some flexibility depending on how your work is progressing. Depending on the tutor and the group, start times for day 2 can be flexible too.

We aim for your day to be a real treat. You could always learn a new skill in a shed or a draughty village hall with a curly sandwich, but we want you to have more fun than that! So we make sure we provide a day where you will be looked after, with good food, good company and great inspiration!

What you’ll need to bring with you

All materials are provided.
Aprons will be available but please bring your own if you prefer as painting can be messy.

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