Gaynor Pearson

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Gaynor first began to work in stone as a hobby over 20 years ago while running an IT learning and development business.  Her first experience of chisel on stone was in Portland on holiday where she was captivated by the ancient process of hand carving stone.  She spent the next 10 years carving for pleasure and craving a life with time to develop her skills.  In 2010 she made the leap, balancing stone carving with starting a new creative business – ArtisOn, which is now well established and she is able to concentrate more on her carving. She enjoys the energy and precision needed for the steady development of a piece of work in stone.  Preferring to work mainly in local Yorkshire sandstones and limestones, she loves the process of revelation – taking material away to expose something new.  The transformation of apparently shapeless and unyielding materials into expressive forms that convey and elicit an emotional response is addictive and magical.