Annis McGowan

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Needle felting, for Annis began as a hobby. She gained a passion for designing and felting wildlife, another of her loves, and it is now become a small business and is how she makes her living. Annis lives in a beautiful part of the country – The Lake District with it’s famous Herdwick sheep, lakes and fells are a great inspiration. She created the design for her first Herdwick sheep doorstops in 2013 and exhibited them in a local gallery along with other Herdwick sculptures. They have now become a favourite causing such interest she decided to share her skills and techniques and teach other people her method to create them.

Annis loves sharing her skills and ideas and her work can be seen in galleries around the Lake District and further afield.

“The opportunity to share the experience with other like minded people. Excellent course with lots of preparation from the tutor, excellent meal and very warm welcome. Wish I'd found the place years ago. Will certainly come again.”

– Caroline
Needlefelt Hare