Painting Mountains in Watercolour – Tricks + Techniques

Tutor: Jason Skill

Lunch: Price includes a hearty lunch.

All Levels

Typically for a max of 10 people.

Full Day

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A perfect follow up to Painting Trees , this could be the next building block in your skills development in watercolour landscape painting…

Tutor, Jason’s love of the mountains was cultivated over several adventure walking trips in Morroco, France, Spain, Slovenia , Poland and of course Scotland. He has spent many years exploring which paint effects and approaches work well when painting mountains in watercolour. On this course he will be sharing his findings with you, concentrating on the techniques that can most quickly improve your mountain painting skills. Starting with quick, effective approaches beloved by many modern watercolourists, you will then explore traditional methods that can deliver highly realistic results.

Click below to view the list of what you’ll ideally need to bring with you.

Looking for the next building block with Jason? Check out Painting Field Patterns, or Painting Rain…

What to expect

Time at ArtisOn is designed to take you away from it all. We provide the environment, the time and the guidance you need to create. You can expect a warm welcome, skilled and friendly tutors and the chance to meet like-minded people keen to share ideas. You can even leave us to clear up the mess! There will usually be two workshops going on and we encourage everyone to mingle and be nosey about what the other workshop is up to.

We encourage you to arrive at 9.30am. This will allow time to meet other participants over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits before beginning workshops at 10am. There will be a mid-morning break for refreshments and a chance to talk over progress with others. Lunch is usually around 12:45 for about 45 mins – you can expect a delicious homemade 2 course lunch. There will be a further afternoon break with tea or coffee and cake. All food and refreshments are included in the price of your workshop.

The finish time given is a target. There are occasions when the session may overrun so do let us know if you need to be away promptly.

We aim for your day to be a real treat. You could always learn a new skill in a shed or a draughty village hall with a curly sandwich, but we want you to have more fun than that! So we make sure we provide a day where you will be looked after, with good food, good company and great inspiration!

What you’ll need to bring with you

Please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy. The following list is to help you put together your kit for the day. Please do not feel this is a fixed list of materials that you must purchase. If you already have watercolour painting equipment then it's likely to be adequate for the day and there are always items you can borrow. Use this to help you check off the equipment you will need to bring when packing for the day.

Drawing Equipment
A soft graphite pencil eg2b
A pencil sharpener
An erasure
An old fashioned steel nib dip pen

Masking tape
Several sheets of kitchen roll
A kitchen cloth - the blue type you clean your work benches down with
Watercolour palette
Water pots

A wash brush
Large round approximately size 12 or 14
Flat chisel edged nylon brush also about half an inch wide.
Selection of smaller brushes you may have, including a size six if possible.
A stippling brush
Any old battered brushes

Watercolour paper cut or ripped down to approximately half imperial sheets size [ A2] or quarter of a full sheet [A3]this paper can be loose or in a pad. Please bring about 10 sheets of paper
A sheet of blotting paper
Advise not [cold pressed] surface140lb / 300gsm. This is the standard surface quality of student papers like Bockingford and Langton sold in pads.
Several sheets of cartridge paper or computer printing paper . These will be used to practise brush strokes and sketch out tree shapes.

Cobalt Blue
Lemon Yellow
Cadmium Red
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow
Quinacridone Majenta / Permanent Rose (If you have an Alizarin Crimson this will work fine)
Prussian Blue
Cerulean blue
Cobalt Turquoise Light
Raw Sienna
Raw Umber
Burnt Sienna
Viridian Green
Burnt Umber

Reference Material
If you have images of mountains that you would like to work from, then please feel free to bring them along

“It was excellent, I’m just starting to paint and Jason answered all my questions and puzzles.”

– Peter

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